Want free advice on how to bring more intentionality to your career?
I have written on a variety of topics based on the questions asked by my Career Coaching clients and the techniques they have used to create the change they want in their careers. Read through the following blog posts to find the information you need to jump-start your career.
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Want to Negotiate a 4 Day Work Week? Here’s What You Should Know
Key Learnings from individuals who have successfully negotiated to work 4 days a week in an organization where everyone else still works 5 days a week.
Wall Street Journal: The Art of Quitting Early on Fridays
Tips from Career Coach Jess Wass on how to make space for Summer Fridays as mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article “The Art of Quitting Early on Fridays (and Not Freaking Out the Boss)”.
How Managers Can Make Time for More Strategic Work
Why does our important strategic work always get bumped like Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel? The Eisenhower Matrix can provide some insight into how to make more space for the work that matters.
The Hustle: Self-Motivation - How to Inspire Yourself to Reach Your Goals
In this article on The Hustle, myself and a few other experts share their tips for motivating yourself.
How to Embrace the Idea of “Play” in Your Work Routine
Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from engaging in play. Adults too can use this activity as a way of furthering their development. In this case, play enables us to learn how to be present and adopt a beginner’s mindset.
Why You Need to Give Yourself a Break This Year
The biggest productivity secret you are missing out on is to “do less”. In particular, incorporating rest into your work routine may be exactly what you need to hit your goals this year.
The Top 5 Productivity Strategies I Use Every Day
These 5 strategies work seamlessly together to help me get more done with less stress. More importantly, they don’t require new tools, software, or a complete personality change to implement.
You Might Be a Secret “Productive Procrastinator”
Identifying the sneaky ways we derail ourselves when we think we are being productive.
Two Steps to Set Better Boundaries at Work
Take two simple steps to set better boundaries at work and help increase your effectiveness and focus.
What Happened When I Marie Kondo’d my Work Life
How Marie Kondo inspired me to change up my daily routine to allow more time and space for reflection and identify what work brings me joy.
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