Want free advice on how to bring more intentionality to your career?
I have written on a variety of topics based on the questions asked by my Career Coaching clients and the techniques they have used to create the change they want in their careers. Read through the following blog posts to find the information you need to jump-start your career.
For even more access to my articles, check out my published articles on Medium and follow me so you are the first to get my newest articles.
Want to Negotiate a 4 Day Work Week? Here’s What You Should Know
Key Learnings from individuals who have successfully negotiated to work 4 days a week in an organization where everyone else still works 5 days a week.
How Managers Can Make Time for More Strategic Work
Why does our important strategic work always get bumped like Matt Damon on Jimmy Kimmel? The Eisenhower Matrix can provide some insight into how to make more space for the work that matters.
I’m a Quitter and You Should Be Too
Being a quitter is often used as a derogatory term, but in reality it should be celebrated for what it is, an important skill. I’m proud to be a quitter and you should be too.
Welcome to the Jungle: How to Showcase Curiosity During a Job Interview
I had the pleasure to talk with “Welcome to the Jungle” and share my tips for how to set yourself apart in the interview process by demonstrating your curiosity.
Interview with “Welcome to the Jungle”: The layoff taboo- how to talk about it in an interview
Have you ever been laid off? If so, you’ve also probably experienced the anxiety of how to talk about it when you interview for your next role.
“Call Me Curious” Podcast: Is it Time to Quit Your Job?
In this episode of the “Call Me Curious” podcast titled “Is it Time to Quit Your Job?”, hosts Nikki and Malone talk with a career coach, Jess Wass, as well as a positive psychology expert to help you decide whether it's time to give notice.
The Truth About Making a Career Change
Switching careers brings specific challenges that are different from your normal job search process. Here I break down the truth about making a career switch and share advice both from myself and a client who also successfully made a career change.
Use This Process to Find the Right Job For Yourself
There are three levels of person-job fit that when explored can help you better identify a job where you can thrive.
Should You Embrace Your Strengths or Fix Your Weaknesses?
A new perspective on answering the age old question about whether to focus on embracing your strengths or addressing your weaknesses…
What Happened When I Marie Kondo’d my Work Life
How Marie Kondo inspired me to change up my daily routine to allow more time and space for reflection and identify what work brings me joy.
The Best Advice I've Ever Received on Managing Up
The one piece of advice I received on managing up that had the biggest impact on my career progression.
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